Jacumba – Inkopah, Elliot Mine

Level 2                 (Rating System)

The Jacumba (Inkopah) trails are located in San Diego’s East County just to the west of I-8, exit 77.  The trails have some easy to moderate challenges and scenic terrain.  The trail is rated as a 1+ to 2.  Along the trail you might want to visit Smuggler’s Cave and the Elliot Mine.

[Vehicles are not allowed in the actual Valley of the Moon. The Valley of the Moon is in a Wilderness Area. See the map below. Runs, plans, or pictures in the actual Valley of the Moon are not sanctioned by the club. – Admin, 10/28/2020, 5/11/20]


GPX File


Official BLM map   (The Jacumba/Inkopah/”VotM” area is in the lower right corner.)

Example Run Announcement

External Reference

Video   (It’s a good video but note that it is from 2019, before we had a better realization which parts were in the Wilderness Area.)


Smugglers Cave. (It’s a little hike off the vehicle trail.)

Valley of the Moon viewed from the Elliot Mine.  (Vehicles are not allowed in the Valley of the Moon.)

An adit of the Elliot Mine. All of the elliots have been mined out. During WWII they used the elliots to make bombsights.

Coming down from the Elliot Mine.

Coming up the off camber step. (Barry trying to make it look difficult.)
